Thursday, March 5, 2009


There are a few reasons not to write this blog entry.

a.) people who write about their dogs are mostly insufferable, with leanings towards crazy
b.) dog platitudes do not necessarily correlate with future baby-truths
c.) it is somewhat self-incriminating
c.) I have a lot of things that I need to do before Lincoln makes his grand arrival.


a.) i have a lot of things that I need to (procrastinate from) do(ing so I can last-minute panic and be grouchy about how I never have any time to get things accomplished) before Lincoln makes his grand arrival.

Today was take-Belle to the Dog-doctor day (OH YEAH THAT IS CALLED A VET. wow.) and I think I may have gotten some insight as to how this whole parenting thing could play out, for better or worse.

Heather made the appointment, printed out the medical records (dogs have those?!), left me with a check, the leash, a list of questions, and the appointment time.

I... just had to basically fill in the blanks.

I arrived on time (YEAH!) but realized as I was pulling in the driveway that I left the records, check, and questions on the coffee table.

So far, mixed results.

Belle was pretty well behaved throughout the process, even when the dog-doct.... *ahem* VET was opening her mouth wider than I knew was possible; to check out her teeth. I didn't give the ...Vet... any dirty looks when Belle whimpered, and I didn't even act all embarassed when she was whiny.

Here's the best news: The dog is like, unrealistically healthy. She's fine. Even her teeth are good to go. The doct DANG IT I KEEP DOING THAT the (VVVVVEEEEETTTT!!!!!) vet didn't need the records (yet. I can bring them in next time) and they don't even accept checks. AND I REMEMBERED ALL THE QUESTIONS BECAUSE I PAID ATTENTION.

So that got me thinking: I've never before been an adult responsible for a dog. The last time I had a dog in my house was ALSO the last time that I had a little kid in my house: when I was also a kid. not responsible for either (more than the average older brother stuff).

SO. if I can learn to be half of a team that keeps a dog healthier than normal, surely Lincoln is going to be in good hands, right?

Well, as much as you can correlate dogs and kids, I guess.


(P.S. no one needs to point out that Heather did all the work and I screwed up the easy part. While I am somewhat forgetful, I am not an idiot and the obvious fact that I was the weaker link today did not escape me. But we are married, and thus get equal credit when Belle (and eventually Lincoln) turn out to be great.)


Jade Clark said...

Bahahahahaha. Such a Levi story.

By the way, LOVE the name Lincoln!!!

Anonymous said...

You can claim at least half for having the clarity of mind to marry such a wonderful woman. :)