Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Surprise Shower

Yesterday I had a late lunch with sweet Meredith - one of the girls in our young couples group at church. As I was leaving McAllister's to head back to work (around 1:35) I got a call from Levi. He asked about my day, what I was doing, and kept me occupied for the 3 minute drive back to my office. As I pulled in I saw a white Honda in the parking lot that looked suspiciously like Levi's...

"wait, where are you?"
"um, at home."
"oh, weird, there's a car in my office parking lot that looks just like yours. I thought you were trying to pull a fast one on me."
"Ha - well, have a great day."

We hung up as I walked in the side door at my office, where I ran into Tami - who informed me that there was a meeting going on in the conference room. "Oh?", I said, continuing to sit down. "Like, a team meeting that you're supposed to be in...". Ah - oops!

So, I obliviously follow Tami into the conference room to find it FULL of balloons, decorations, flowers, gifts, cake, punch, and my coworkers. And Levi (sneaky, sneaky). I was shocked. My coworkers had planned this whole, huge surprise shower, gotten everything in the door right past me, and included Levi without me having the
slightest idea. Even when I 'thought' I saw Levi's car, and Tami basically had to spell it out for me that I was supposed to be in the conference room, I didn't put it together.

Not only was the surprise so thoughtful and fun, but my coworkers showered us with so many wonderful gifts that we are overwhelmed. The generosity of my company and the incredible people that I work with is such an amazing blessing - I hope they all know how truly appreciated they are!

I know that a lot of people had a part in making this shower such a treat for us, but an extra thank you to Krysten and Tami - you girls completely spoil me.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Childbirth Class

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to follow up this warning with an actual blog, or just let the thought of spending the first half of valentine's day learning the darkest secrets of the MIRACLE OF CHILDBIRTH haunt you all.

we'll see.


Friday, February 6, 2009

The Baby Space (and 35 Week Check-up)

While I probably should be doing far more important things to prepare for Lincoln's arrival (only 5 weeks left!), I've opted instead to spend the past few evenings recycling old canvases into new pieces for the wall designated baby in the music/baby room.

Here's another fuzzy phone-photo of the progress. Apparently I have a thing for birds...

The fellow on the right is actually an owl. He's not quite as frightening in person as he appears in this picture (hopefully).

Also, we had our 35 week appointment yesterday. Doctor says everything looks good and I got to hear our little one's perfect heartbeat again (142 beats per minute!). From now on my appointments will be every week. I can't believe how soon he's going to be here!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Introducing Noah Michael

Noah was born last night just before 10:00pm. He weighs in at 7lbs 8oz and is 19.75 inches long.

Congratulations Stephanie and Haley - we love you. Noah, we can't wait to meet you!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Arriving Soon: Nephew Noah

I just got word that my sister, Stephanie, has been admitted to the hospital - baby Noah should be arriving soon! We'll keep you posted.

Steph - you're in our prayers!