Sunday, August 5, 2007


guys. wow. i can't even begin to tell you all how grateful we are for all the help, attendance, and gifts you bestowed upon us. i literally have about 30 seconds for right now because we are headed to the airport, but i wanted to say thank you so so so so much, and we'll see you soon.

Levi and Heather

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Bridesformation.

Have you ever seen the face of a groom as it goes through The Bridesformation? If not, here's something to watch for the next time you go to a wedding, whether it be mine or anyone else's.

When he arrives at the church, he is at the end of his rope. This entire week, he's dealt with the last-minute details, the arrival of guests, the meeting of family members, the details, the fact that he hasn't gotten to spend much quality time with the woman that (in just a few short days/hours) he will be making a lifetime commitment to, the details, the little petty things like who will stand where, breaking it to his groomsmen that, no, the tuxes are not covered ("you are my best friend. want to pay $125 to prove it?"), the details, and all the pesky little details.

(granted, and before we go any further: i am putting far less elbow grease into this than she or her family are. Color me not ungrateful. I'm just saying...)

So needless to say, when he shows up, he is probably more than a little frazzled. But he knows that today, of all days, he had better not let his face show anything but sheer joy. After all, 2 families are watching, needing to be certain that this union is secure.

So he puts on his most convincing smile. He will not show frustration with anything, no matter how annoying it may be. He will smile through the last-minute panic, the hustle, the caterers are late, the mothers are making sure he looks nice, the best man has a mullet?

he walks to the front of the church/theatre/venue with this very smile on his face. the impenetrable ceramic expression.

and then, The Bridesformation. This is something that is often missed at a wedding. Everyone has stood, and is turned around to catch the entrance of the star of the show. His victory, his triumph, his queen, the culmination of every ball thrown, every car driven, every flower bought, muscle flexed, bloody nose earned in hopes to impress a girl.... *
she* embarks upon her seemingly endless trek to him from the back of the room. And if you look closely at his eyes, you can watch them change from glossed over and hiding to very very vulnerable. The endless battering of details against the hull of his ship have ceased their assailment, and suddenly it is all very clear why it was worth it.

given my emotional state, i'm going to go ahead and say that Saturday is probably not the day to test me and see if i'm right. watch Heather (she's the beautiful one, for goodness' sake.) I'll be okay if her eyes are the only ones to see mine go through the Bridesformation.

plus, if any of you see me crying, i'll totally have to kill you. :)