Friday, November 14, 2008

The English language is tricky

This page was scanned from a magazine that is distributed to our soldiers overseas. It's full of inspirational anecdotes, well-deserved praise, and heartfelt letters of encouragement from elementary-aged kids.

See if you can spot the part that made me laugh until I cried:

Here's a hint:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cat / Bag?

Heather mentioned it in the last post, so I presume it's okay to let you all know we've decided on a name:

Lincoln Shea Weaver.

(this is what we get for keeping a dual-blog from thousands of miles apart.) :)

Dr's Appointment - 23 Weeks

Lincoln was moving around so much today during our doctor's appointment that we picked up all kinds of crazy sounds on the Doppler. Even with the extra commotion we were able to hear his perfect heartbeat (such an incredible sound!). He's started moving so much that I can see my tummy move - mostly in the evenings - it's so much fun. I can't decipher which body part he's jabbing me with, but I can definitely tell that he's getting stronger and more coordinated. The doctor says everything looks good and that baby and I are doing well. I feel tremendously blessed to be enjoying such a wonderful pregnancy. Thank you all for your prayers!


Jhet is a week old!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm an Uncle?

I was an uncle when I got married. And, I've known Haley since she was born, so that's a nice dimension to have had, marrying into a family I already knew and loved.

But I didn't know *when* Haley was born that I was eventually going to be her Uncle. When i was like 19 or 20, she was just "my friend Stephanie's kid". 19-or-20 year old guys do not think on a very deep level about this sort of thing. "my friend had a kid. *shrug* cool."

So when I got married, I became Husband and Uncle all at once. (Thanks, Haley for breaking me in, and being an easy neice to get used to the idea of Uncledom to.)

But the other day, when little Jhet was born, it was a little different. Maybe because I can talk to Haley & interact & communicate, and I knew about her long before I became her uncle.

Maybe it's just because it's Jordan's son, and I remember when Jordan was born.
Maybe it's because Heather and I have our own addition on the way,

but man. what an overwhelming experience.

I was en route to Winooski, VT when it became official, and I got to talk to Jordan a couple hours afterwards, just before I went on stage. Mom was sending me pictures via phone (long live the digital age, eh?)

it was such a weird realization of like "2 hours ago, that kid was just like my kid, sort of. He was totally a human, but the way the rest of the human race experienced him was 100% expectation. He was like... He existed in future-tense, almost.

And then all of a sudden, he's out, and breathing air, and making noise, and like *present-tense*.


I think this was the final tipping point of making me 100% excited and ready about March. To see someone else, especially my brother who I have known for literally his whole life, make that transition from future-tense "holy crap what is going to happen" into present-tense "it's okay. it's amazing. he's a human being". I think that makes it all okay for me.

So thanks, Jordan and Lacey, for doing it first. Thanks, Jhet, even though you can't read yet. (right? because if you can, i think i am back to apprehensive about my own parenting skills.)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Our nephew: Jhet Cadyn Weaver

We've been told that our beautiful new nephew is "very serene and adult-like" - just calmly looking around, taking in the world. We can't wait to meet him!

Here are a few more pictures from Grandmother:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

We have a new nephew!!!

Lacey and Jordan welcomed their son into the world around 4:40 today. He weighs in at 7lbs 6oz and is 20 inches long (which just so happens to be the EXACT prediction I made this afternoon!). His name is coming soon, as well as more pictures...

In the meantime, here's a picture that was sent to me from proud Grandmother Anna's phone. He's just perfect, isn't he?

Jordan, Lacey - we're so happy for you guys. Wish we were there; we can't wait to meet our sweet little nephew. We love you!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Corporate Attire

Marie (my lovely coworker/carpool buddy) and I have set a goal to workout at the Y by our office 2-3 days a week before work. We've been at it for about a week, and even though it means that we have to leave around the time that I'm usually rolling out of bed, so far things have gone relatively smoothly and mostly as planned. So far, that is, until today:
Yes, I am sporting my white 'Just Married' flip-flops (turned shower shoes) at the office today. At least I remembered my pants this time.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Costumes

I was an oven; Levi, a baker: