Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pregnancy Milestones: Part Two

Yesterday a complete stranger cautiously (and very sweetly) asked me if I was having a baby. Which, I choose to believe, means that my belly has somewhat ceased it's seemingly neverending side-to-side expansion and is finally starting to grow outward. Or, maybe it was just the empire waist, looks-like-a-maternity-dress-on-anyone, cotton dress that I was wearing. Either way, here's to crossing over to the pregnant side of the "is she just getting chubby or is she pregnant?" line.

On the opposite end of the pregnancy milestone spectrum - actually, this is more a pregnancy confession- I didn't even make it to 9AM today before I had to apologize to a coworker for being short with him. Sorry about that, Andy. Although I swore I wouldn't, I'm totally blaming the hormones :).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pregnancy Milestones (including the one where mom loses her mind)

I just experienced my first real craving coupled with my first (well, arguably my first) baby-brain moment.

For the past hour the only thing I wanted was a glass of chocolate milk (I know, why can't I crave broccoli or something?!). I mean, I REALLY wanted some chocolate milk - to the point where I couldn't think about anything else. I finally decided to leave work to pick some up - because truthfully, nothing was going to get done around here until I got my fix.

So, I drove to the nearest gas station. Carton in hand I made my way up to the register. The friendly cashier rang me up - I paid him, put the change in my wallet, and headed for the door, giddy about my purchase. It wasn't until I was almost out the door that I heard the cashier calling after me, 'um, ma'am - do you want your milk?'. Yeaaaah. Can you imagine how devastated I would have been if I had gotten all the way back to my office before I realized I didn't have my beloved chocolate milk?

From what I hear, this 'baby brain' only gets worse. Look out, world.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

I've been incredibly blessed with a wonderful pregnancy so far. I haven't really struggled with morning sickness and the occasional nausea that stems from waiting too long between meals simply means I have a good excuse to snack ALL DAY LONG (and honestly, who could complain about that?). It's been so good, in fact, that for several weeks I just ignored the nagging ache in my legs.

It wasn't until I was visiting my family in Texas for Katie's wedding (at about 14 weeks) that I began to acknowledge that my throbbing, heavy legs probably meant varicose veins and, even more importantly, that this was something that I should not be dealing with. I say that for this reason: my mom was healed from severe pain associated with varicose veins years ago, and that healing, she believes, broke the cycle of pain that had been passed down in our family. I hadn't claimed it, but healing was already mine.

It took the faith of my mom and Aunt Bonnie for me to realize that. I was sitting at the kitchen table at my parents house, rubbing my sore legs, whining about bulging veins, and those amazing women didn't skip a beat. They immediately knelt beside me and prayed, claiming my miracle. And I got it. I haven't had any pain in my legs since that day.

My mom has always said that we should use the precedent He sets in healing when we come to Him with needs. Use it. She's a wise woman, you know. And He's a miracle worker.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I miss

my wife.

and, though he doesn't know who I am yet, my son.

New York City is great and all, but I am exhausted.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Live From New York, it's...

hey, so i love you guys in our small group, but uh....



The Name Game

On Monday night I attended our couples bible study group solo (Levi is out of town for the Indianapolis/Philly/New York leg of his fall tour). After dinner, we formed our usual circle in the living room to continue our discussion of The Ragamuffin Gospel. Usually we just jump right into it, but this week Dave, our generous host and group leader, handed everyone a piece of paper and pen and said we had some 'business' to take care of before we got started. The business? Everyone was to write down a boy's name for me and Levi so that we would have some name considerations (that don't include Batman) for our little guy.

Here's a little background for you...
On Friday, Levi sent out an 'It's a boy!' announcement email to our group. These are the first few sentences:
"We found out yesterday - Young Squire Weaver is a boy! so, the only suspense left is the name (i'm really pulling for "Spartacus McBatman" but Heather keeps vetoing it. She'll be under anesthesia though, so.... heh.) ..."
Without further ado, here are the names we collected:
Russell Crowe
Mark Steven
Adam Zapple
Scott Avery Weaver (S.A.W)
Sundar (the last name of one of the couples in our group)
Jackson Lee
Leave it to Cleaver Weaver
Asher Lowenstein
Isaac John
Clayton Cash
Optimus Prime
Miles Baxter (the first and last name of one of the guys in our group)
Jacob Isaiah
Beaver Lever Weaver


Monday, October 20, 2008

Family Picture

With Belle (and Grandma working away in the background):

Thursday, October 16, 2008

27 is going to be a good year.

Wow. Today has been absolutely incredible. It actually started yesterday... I got a call from my mom around lunchtime,
"Would you like some company for your doctor's appointment in the morning?"
"Of course!!"
So, she hopped on a plane and flew to Nashville to stay with us for the next couple of days. A huge thank you to my wonderful mother-in-law Anna for calling my mom to suggest that she make the trip and for setting things in motion to make it happen (we wish you could be here too!). Also to Cindy and Keith, who so kindly provided a last minute flight to give me one of the best birthday gifts ever.

Yeah - it's my birthday. Which brings me to THE best birthday gift ever...

Baby Weaver is a healthy, beautiful, BOY!

What a perfect little miracle.

And all of that happened before 9:30am. A few hours after I got to work, a large group of my coworkers took me to lunch at Pie in the Sky (I could seriously eat pizza for every meal. it's the baby :)). Levi and my mom joined us for lunch and then came back to my office afterward for cookie cake and ice-cream (thank you, Krysen!).

When I got home, my mom and Levi created a birthday feast: filet, mashed potatoes, spinach, carrots. mmmm. Topped off with gooey cake (a name could not describe the majesty that is gooey cake). I have been spoiled.

We wrapped up the evening by watching the dvd of our sonogram. Oohing and aahing and marveling at this little boy that has/will change the rest of our lives.

Thank you all for sharing our excitement about this sweet little guy, and for all of your sincere and thoughtful birthday wishes. I am overwhelmed with pure joy today. Like God himself has wrapped me up in a bear hug, planted a big kiss on my forehead, and shared in a hearty, uncontrollable belly laugh.

Thank you for being part of it.

you guys were (mostly) wrong!

and so was i.

the nurse took her sweet time letting us know, too. I mean it was really cool, don't get me wrong. from 10 weeks to now, it's awesome (i mean that like actually awe-inspiring, not like i usually use it) to see all the developments. "baby's being really well-behaved, it's easy to get pictures! except wow, look at those hands go!" the fingers were opening and closing repeatedly. (i'm guessing... drums?)

heart? check.
sweet. that's an important one.
brain? check.
good! the child is neither tin man nor scarecrow!
spine? check.
i'm reminded of a family guy episode where peter has all of his bones removed. funny cartoon, but in reality, it's nice that the bones are where they should be.
feet? check.

hands? active!

face? human!

"so... you guys, did you want to learn the sex of the baby?"


... it's a boy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

big week for me this week...

tomorrow is the softball game.
yeah whatever man. i don't care. i play co-ed softball. i'm aware it makes me right on the verge of middle aged and i don't care. i'm having a kid, so i can play softball. it's like some sort of rite of passage. no worries, i'm not going to start ironing in my boxers and black socks or anything, just softball for now.

wednesday i have a meeting with a publisher, eh, whatever. i don't want to sound all jaded but that's the crummy thing about this business. an e-mail is just an e-mail until the minute you walk through the door. a meeting is just a meeting until you get a paper to sign. a contract is just a contract until... well you get the point.

THURSDAY IS HEATHER'S BIRTHDAY/BABY DAY. i see some of you have been voting on the poll, and i'm not the only one that thinks it's going to be a girl. i promise i haven't been going to other people's computers to stuff the ballot box. i don't know why i think it's a girl, but i just sort of do. maybe it's because belle (the dog) is a girl, and i feel more confident about teaching the baby tricks if it's a girl.

Oh, and as if all that excitement weren't enough for one week, i got to feel the baby move a little yesterday! twice, in fact. but now i get all jealous when Heather can feel it and I can't.

now if i could just get my sleep pattern back to somewhat normal.
that's a glitch about touring. it works in conjunction with my natural circadian rhythm and it teams up on "normal sleep pattern" and i just can't go to bed before like, 3.

Friday, October 10, 2008

baby likes the music

Last Saturday, before Levi left for the North/South Carolina-Virginia leg of his fall tour, he made a play list for the wee one. 70 carefully chosen songs that would finally make use of the iPod speaker pillow we bought with a Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift card after our wedding. The pillow is actually pretty neat - you plug the iPod into it and only the person who has their head on the pillow can hear the music. Come to think of it, I'm not sure why we haven't used it more - it would be great for traveling. Anyhow, Saturday night I slept with the speaker-pillow pressed against my belly for baby Weaver and his/her newly functioning ears. Baby must have liked the music because the dancing in my tummy has been getting stronger ever since.
I was on my way home from work on Wednesday when I felt the first okay-that's-really-the-baby-moving movements. It was just a series of little thumps that made my insides jump. Almost like tiny, soft bubbles popping. Ever since, I've felt Baby move consistently throughout the day and it's such a sweet reminder of the precious miracle that we've been blessed with. With each new stage of discovery the realization of parenthood sinks in a little more. More questions, doubts, and fears, but even more excitement, anticipation, and love.

Hopefully when Levi gets home he'll be able to feel the baby move too. We'll have our first Weaver family dance party :).

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

i talk about you all the time

i don't know how anyone can ever not believe that life begins at conception.
i talk about you all the time
like you and i were already friends.
i don't even know your gender.
i don't even know your name.
not yet
but i'm thinking about it in my spare seconds.
bringing you up in conversation like you were the evening news.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

17 weeks

Our tummies at 17 weeks. And, of course, Belle's crazy eyes.

Friday, October 3, 2008


by "fiercely independent" i obviously meant "fiercely private"
that was a mis-quote. I got all excited about the fierce thing and plus I was drinking coffee at the time.

I really gotta consolidate all this bloggin' nonsense into one place so i can focus on quality vs quantity.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh man. I am getting destroyed here.

Wow. I should start making some excuses here.

Here are the things I am already maintaining:

and my personal journal(s).
(some i keep more updated than others, apparently.)

Whereas Heather is a self-described "Fiercely Independent" soul... I, apparently, need all the attention I can get. (ha!)


I'm a little behind here.

I should make it known that i am.... hmm... there's a word for this. For all this blogging, you'd think my vocabulary would be able to just light-bulb any word ever, but i'm still struggling for it.

Combine these words:
Excited, Terrified, Giddy, Overwhelmed, Skydiving, RollerCoaster, Stage Fright, Game-Winning Basket, and Wow.

There is probably a word for that.


yep. that's me.

I should note that I have always felt this way about having kids, except for the good ones. I've always said "someday", when I really meant "HA!".

But the difference, I think, is that I am so in love with this girl that the prospect of a little half-Heather makes me think the future will be a very pleasant place.

So I'm still pretty freaked out about the whole thing, but the closer this kid gets to fruition, the more the good feelings are outweighing the fearful ones. I'm not ready yet, but something tells me that by March, I will be.


Baby Weaver Poll

Two weeks from tomorrow we're hoping to find out if Baby Weaver is a boy or a girl. Until then, what's your guess? All (one) of you, Weaver blog readers... use the poll to the right to cast your vote.

Speaking of voting - if you haven't registered yet, go do it! The deadline is coming up. You'll be happy to know that despite the debacle, I have finally registered in Nashville.

Happy October.