Friday, May 15, 2009

2 Month Checkup

This morning Levi and I took Lincoln in for his 2 month check-up (can you believe he's already 2 months old?!). All week I've been dreading this appointment - fully expecting our first round of shots to be horribly traumatizing (mostly for me). Thankfully, it wasn't. Lincoln did great - he cried for a few seconds (not even long enough for me to work up a single tear) and then he was fine.

Overall, he's a perfectly healthy, happy baby! And, I'm pretty sure he's our pediatrician's favorite patient :).

Here are his stats:
Height: 23.25in (75th percentile)
Weight: 10lbs 13oz (25th percentile).

For reference, at one month they were:
Height: 21.75in
Weight: 9lbs 3oz


Hayley said...

Way to go baby Lincoln!!

Katie said...

I am so glad it was not as bad as you were expecting!