Monday, December 29, 2008

Ebb and Flow

My wife is a saint for putting up with me. I become stressed as events get closer - I heap unrealistic expectations on my ability to accomplish, and I become more and more tense as the event draws closer until I am just about incapable of conversing about or focusing upon anything else.

Then it comes, and for better or worse it is accomplished or at least finished, and I pedulum-swing to the relaxed end, leaving my computer alone for days and declining to answer my phone at all, unsure of what day it is.

I almost just tried to compare this to giving birth and post-partum depression, but let's be honest - I don't have any harrowing stories of physical trauma to regale anyone with afterwards, so there's a pretty stark difference.

The whole point of this is that Heather is saintly for putting up with me, and I hope that I am as big a support to her in the physical/emotional aspect of pregnancy as she is with me in the emotional/stressful aspect of my job.

---PART 2---

We got to spend time with Jordan's little one this week. I thought it would be a bit of a breath of relief, like "OHHHH, this is not so hard after all. psh. i was psych'ing myself out for no good reason"...

I had no idea what to do.

Hopefully, 11th-hour instinct will be strong with me.


1 comment:

Steph said...

Heather is pretty amazing. I must say that you really lucked out! Guess you'll do too. Love you guys so much!