Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dr's Appointment - 23 Weeks

Lincoln was moving around so much today during our doctor's appointment that we picked up all kinds of crazy sounds on the Doppler. Even with the extra commotion we were able to hear his perfect heartbeat (such an incredible sound!). He's started moving so much that I can see my tummy move - mostly in the evenings - it's so much fun. I can't decipher which body part he's jabbing me with, but I can definitely tell that he's getting stronger and more coordinated. The doctor says everything looks good and that baby and I are doing well. I feel tremendously blessed to be enjoying such a wonderful pregnancy. Thank you all for your prayers!



Anonymous said...

i bet it's his feet that just can't stop moving...he's going to be just like his mom. it will be like happy feet. :)

Krysten Levin said...

that is so very exciting! If he starts moving at work you better let me know asap. I will make it around the cube wall in record time! :)